- Hard-boiled eggs
- Ingredients for your favorite deviled egg filling
- Red bell pepper
- Peppercorns
- Long-handled tweezers for placing eyes, optional
Servings 12
Preparation time 20mins
Cooking time 40mins
Step 1
Put eggs on to boil.
Meanwhile, cut small triangles from strips of red pepper for the ears, and additional thin strips for tails.
When eggs are done, cut in halves lengthwise, placing the yolks in a mixing bowl and the whites on a serving dish.
Mash together the egg yolks with whatever ingredients you like in your filling. (I used pinches of salt, garlic salt, and dry mustard, about 1/4 tsp. paprika, and enough mayo for a creamy consistency. I used a hand mixer to blend).
Transfer filling to a piping bag and fill the egg white halves with the mixture. (I used a ziptop bag with a corner cut off.)
At the wider end of eggs, decorate eggs with the bell pepper triangles for ears, bell pepper strips for tails, and peppercorns for eyes. (I used tweezers for placing the peppercorns).
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