How to Sprout Lentils


Benefits of Sprouting Lentils:

Lentils contain phytic acid, which can be difficult to digest. Sprouting neutralizes the phytic acid which means more vitamins and minerals can be absorbed by your body as they’re digested.
When you sprout lentils, you’re actually starting the germination process, which changes the composition of the lentils. Sprouting increases the amounts of vitamins and minerals in the lentils, especially B vitamins and carotene.
Sprouting also produces Vitamin C.
Sprouting also helps break down some of the sugars that create intestinal gas.


  • dry lentils
  • 1 quart mason jar
  • thin cloth, like cheesecloth
  • water


Step 1

1. Put the dry lentils in a jar. Add water and let sit overnight. Remember that the lentils will eventually almost triple in size so be sure your container is big enough. I used about 2/3 c dry lentils in a 1 quart mason jar and added about 2 cups water and there was plenty of room. Don’t put an airtight lid on the jar. I used a piece of thin cloth (cheesecloth would be perfect) and secured it with the ring part of the jar top.

2. Drain the water out of the jar, replace the cloth and let the jar sit on the counter, out of direct sunlight. Every 12 hours, add water to the jar, give it a swirl and then drain it out again.

3. I started seeing little tails in 24-36 hours and decided they were long enough after about 2 days. Depending on the amount of lentils you’re sprouting, this process could take up to 4 days.

4. When they’re done, spread them on a paper towel to let them dry out a little bit, then store in an airtight container in the fridge.

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