Apple Chips


  • 1 apple per baking tray you can fit in your oven.
  • whatever spice(s) tickle your fancy


Step 1

Wash apples well. You can peel or leave the skin on. I leave my peel on 1) I'm lazy and it's faster 2) someone once told me that's where all the vitamins are. Core or don't core. Again, I'm lazy, I don't core. Just be sure all seeds are removed. Slice as thin as possible without cutting off fingertips. A mandolin works great.
Either lightly spray a baking sheet or line with parchment paper. Place apple slices in a single layer on sheet. Lightly sprinkle whatever spices you've chosen over apple slices.
Bake in a preheated 225 degree oven for 2 hours. Turn off oven and let apples crisp up for about another 1-2 hours. (do not leave them overnight, they will burn.)
Store in an airtight container.

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