Fresh beets




  • Fresh beets


Step 1

Pull beets in late fall when they have reached the desired size. Shake to remove loose soil. Trim the tops to two inches from the top of the beet. If you have used the tops for beet greens and have kept them trimmed throughout the season, you may be able to use the tops for greens. Young leaves are tender and sweet, but over-grown leaves are tough and stringy. Discard large tough leaves.

Wash beets in cold water to remove any remaining soil or garden residue. Trim away short hair roots, but do not cut the main root. Removing the root before cooking will cause the bright red of the beet to wash into the water and leave beets pale and unappealing. Use caution to leave two inches of the stalks attached for the same reason.

Cover with cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Allow to simmer for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the beets. Young beets cook quickly, but large beets can take up to 45 minutes to cook thoroughly. Check if beets are cooked by piercing with a fork or sharp knife. Cooked beets should be tender, but firm.

Remove from heat and drain. Allow the beets to sit for 10 to 15 minutes to cool. Slice the root end flush with the end of the beet. Make another cut at the top of the beet to remove the stems. Squeeze the beet with your hands and it will pop free of the outer peeling.

Place trimmed and cleaned beets in a serving bowl. Top with a pat of butter and season with salt and pepper to taste.

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