Eileen's Mashed Potatoes



  • 10 Russet potatoes
  • 4 tblspns butter
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • Salt & pepper to taste


Step 1

Bring a dutch oven (large pot) filled 3/4 of the way with water to a boil on high heat.

Meanwhile, peel potatoes.

Rinse peeled potatoes.

Cut potatoes into roughly 1" chunks

Once water is at a rolling boil, put all of the potatoes in the water.

Salt the water (about 1 tblspn salt, give or take)

Cover the pot, leaving it uncovered at one edge so pressure will escape

Set timer for about 25 minutes. (Water needs a while to come back to a boil and once it does, potatoes need to boil about 15-20 minutes)

Empty pot into a colander that's sitting in the sink

Wait 30 seconds and then put the potatoes back into the hot pot and put the hot pot in the empty sink

Put butter and milk into the potatoes, along with salt & pepper to taste (lots more salt than pepper)

Mash potatoes with the potato masher (don't use a mixer)

Once they mostly mashed up, use a fork and sort of whip the fork back and forth across the potatoes, rotating the pot to do this 4 ways in the pot. We like to leave potatoes just a tiny bit chunky - definitely not all smooth.

Taste and add butter, salt & pepper if needed until it tastes like you like.

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