


Step 1

receipe calls for a 2 ½ lb boneless rib roast or tenderloin. The tenderloin is the most expensive cut of meat so purchase something long and round and equal size. Then mix ¼ c fresh parsley, 1 tbls fresh chives, 1 tbsp fresh tarragon and 1 tsp dried thyme. Mix that well. Then press in fresh cracked pepper on all sides of roast and then role (tied with string to hold shape) the roast in the mixture of herbs. Then cook in a 425 degree oven. The recipe said it would be done in 30 minutes. I cooked it for over two hours before it was finally done. For rare, 130 degrees, for medium, 155 degrees and for well done, 170 degrees. We tried this on 12/23/08 and it was very good it was just frustrating that it took over two hours. The herb mixture was very good and did not taste burned.

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