Strawberry Santa Cake


What a great festive cake for the holidays! Adorn your favorite frosted cake with strawberries that have been halved and filled with a sweet cream cheese mixture and topped with the other half of strawberry making a hat. These are so cute!

  • 12
  • 15 mins
  • 15 mins


  • 1 baked and frosted cake
  • 1 pound large strawberries
  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons powdered sugar (or sugar substitute, to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Step 1

Rinse strawberries and cut around the top of the strawberry. Remove the top, (enough for a hat). Clean out the whole strawberry with a paring knife, if necessary (some of them are hollow already). Prepare all of the strawberries and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Add cream cheese mix to a piping bag or Ziploc with the corner snipped off. Fill the strawberries with cheesecake mixture.

Once strawberries are filled, top with the 'hats.'

If not serving immediately, refrigerate until serving.

Decorate according to photo using a baked and frosted cake.

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