Raw Kale Chips


  • 1 head red kale, soaked and shaken dry
  • 1 tbsp or so apple cider vinegar
  • a few big handfuls nutritional yeast
  • 2/3 cup cashews, powdered in my Vitamix
  • a small handful of salt, freshly ground pepper, small squirt local NJ honey, a few sprinkles turmeric
  • 2 big garlic cloves. 1/2 small onion and 1 red cherry pepper, minced
  • First, I stripped the large stems from the kale.


Step 1

Then I dumped everything in and mixed it around with my hands.

Finally, I placed it all on the dehydrator sheets and set the thing to 108 for 24 hrs

Consider some additional spices like celery seed and chipolte

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