SCHAV (Sour Grass Soup)


Made with Sorrel


  • 1 lb fresh Sorrel Leaves
  • 2 T butter
  • 1 medium onion finely minced
  • 6 C water
  • 1 t koser salt
  • 2 T sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • Sliced Kielbasa Polish Sausage (optional)
  • sour cream


Step 1

Wash sorrel thoroughly in several changes of cold water. Remove and discard the stemps and chop leaves into thin ribbons.

Heat butter or oil in 3 qrt susacepan and saute the sorrel and onions. Cook stirring for 10 minutes. Add water and salt. Let soup simmer for 25-30 minutes.

Add Kielbasa slices and cook with soup.

Remove from heat and stir in sugar. Add lemon juice t T at a time, tasting to get the degree of tarteness that pleases you.

Serve hot accompanied by sour cream (a dollop or two in each bowl.