Bob Chin's Pear Cheesecake


Cheesecake with pear topping, just scrumptious at Bob's


  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 t vanilla
  • 1/2 cup plus 2T butter at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup whip cream
  • 1 pound 4 oz. cream cheese
  • 3 lg eggs
  • 2/3 cup sugar minus 1T
  • 1 1/2 t vanilla
  • 1 1 pound can of sliced pears.


Step 1

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Mix the nuts, sugar, vanilla, and butter together. Slowly mix in the flour. You so not want the mixture to be too dry or too wet. Press the mixture evenly into a deep 12 inch pie pan, covering the whole bottom and halfway up the sides, about 1/4 inch thick. Bake the crust 5 minutes, remove, and cool on a wire rack.
Let the cream, cream cheese, and eggs sit out of the refrigerator for an hour. In a medium bowl, thoroughly mix the three items together with a large wooden spoon. Add the sugar and vanilla. Pour the mixture into the pie shell. Place the filled pie pan into a larger pan and fill the larger pan with 1 1/2 inches of water. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the whole thing, including the water bath, from the oven.
Drain the pears. Pat them dry, and slice them in half the long way. Decoratively arrange the pear slices on the cheesecake and return it (still in the water bath) to the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes more. When a toothpick stuck in the middle of the cheesecake comes out clean, the cake is done. Cool the cake on a wire rack, then refrigerate it until it is chilled about 2 hours. Serve chilled.

Serves 8

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