Smoky Mayonnaise


Add a smokey sweet kick to that "plain Jane" mayo with this recipe!

It started as a condi­ment to use on our Burger, I can’t even describe how deli­ciously per­fect it is. Just the ideal bal­ance of flavors­, that’s all!

  • 4


  • 1 cup mayo
  • 4 chipo­tle chiles packed in adobo sauce, I find them in the His­panic sec­tion of my local gro­cery store
  • 1/8 tea­spoon liq­uid smoke, Wright’s Hick­ory fla­vor­ing is my favorite
  • 1 table­spoon honey


Step 1

Blend all ingre­di­ents together in a food proces­sor or blender. Store in the refrig­er­a­tor for 2–3 weeks.