Money Bag Dim Sum


Money Bag Dim Sum is a unique chinese food recipes. In this recipe we will form the dimsum so its shape resemble a money bag. offers a new sensation as you'll feel eating some good money with a delicious taste.

  • 2
  • 30 mins
  • 40 mins


  • 200 gram minced chicken meat, add 100gr minced shrimp
  • 1 egg
  • 75 gram Sasa Tepung Bakwan Spesial (for chicken meat)
  • 50 gram Sasa Saus Tomat (for the sauce)
  • 50 gram Sasa Sambal (for the sauce)
  • shaved carrots (as you wish)
  • 2 leeks, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons ice water
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
  • 12 pieces of dumpling skin, to wrap dimsum
  • 3 hot pandan leaf, thinly sliced (to tie dimsum)
  • 200 ml cooking oil


Step 1

1. mix all the ingredients
2. Take one scoop of dumpling skins, wrap it like a pouch and tied it with pandan leaves
3. Fry on a low heat until the color changes to brown, then drain them.
4. Serve with sauce or mayonnaise