Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups


21 Day Fix approved peanut butter cups.
These are really yummy and keep best in the freezer or fridge.
I had used Shakeology for the "chocolate protein shake"

  • 8
  • 5 mins
  • 40 mins


  • Coconut Oil (4 Tbsp. total- it will be divided up)
  • Chocolate shake powder (I used Shakeology)- (4 Tbsp. total)
  • All natural peanut butter (4 tsp.)
  • You will also need a mini muffin tray.
  • Of course you can substitute and play how you please


Step 1

Start by melting two Tbs. of oil in the microwave (Thirty seconds)
Next, add 2 Tbsp. of shake/powder to melted oil. Mix it up and separate it between 8-10 mini muffin spaces in the tray.

Freeze for 5 minutes.

Spread roughly 1/2 tsp. of PB onto the disks.

Take it out and melt 2 more Tbsp. of oil. Add 2 more Tbsp. of powder. Mix together and spread on top of disks with PB.

Freeze for at least 1/2 hour.
