Puree of Pea Soup w/Mint


Serve in shot glasses with a sprig of chive and mint.

  • 6


  • 3 C frozen peas
  • 1 T chopped fresh mint leaves
  • 3 C or more chicken or veg stock, heated
  • S & White Pepper to taste
  • 1 to 1/2 C heavy cream, milk. Can use a combination of milk and sour cream.


Step 1

In a saucepan of salted water cook peas for 1 min drain.

Put peas, mint and 1/2 c stock in food processor, blend. Season with S&P, and gradually add another cup of stock. Put the mixture in a saucepan stir in remaining stock and bring to simmer over medium heat.

If serving hot, scald the cream or milk. Whisk into the pea puree and simmer another 5 mins. Add more liquid if you want a lighter soup. Taste and reseason if necessary.

If serving cold, transfer the pea mixture to a large bowl, whisk in the remaing 1 c of broth and cool. Whisk in the chilled cream or milk, put in refer until cold.