St. Clement’s Posset

  • 4


  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • Zest of 1 1/2 lemons, plus juice from 2 lemons
  • Zest of 1 orange, plus juice from 1 1/2 oranges


Step 1

Slowly bring cream, sugar and citrus zest to a boil over medium-low heat. Immediately reduce heat to low and let slowly simmer to infuse cream, 3 minutes. Do not let cream boil.

Strain citrus juices into a mixing bowl. While whisking, pour infused cream into juice and continue whisking until combined. Pour posset into four teacups or small glass containers. Chill, uncovered, in the refrigerator 1 hour, then cover with plastic wrap and continue chilling until set, at least 3 hours and up to 6 hours.

Serve chilled with cookies, spoons or both.