Red Wine Cake



  • 1 box yello w ca ke mix
  • 1 box instant vanilla puddingmix
  • 2 teaspoonscinnamon
  • 1 cupredwine {divided}
  • i/2cupwater
  • 1/2 cupcanolaoil
  • 4 largeeggs
  • 1 stickunsaltedbutter
  • 1 cupsugar


Step 1

Preheatoven to 350 degrees &butter a bundtpan. In a mixingbowl, combinethe cake mix , puddin gmix, cinnamon , 1/2 cu p
red win e, water, ca n ola o il & eggs. Beat with anelectric mixer untilwellcombined&
smoo th. Pourthebatterintothepreparedcakepan& bakefor 45minutes, or untila cake tester insertedinto the center comesoutclean. While the cake is baking, prepar e the glaz e.
In asmallsaucepan, heatthebutter, sugar& remaining1/2 cupofredwine untilthe sugar isdissolved.
When thecake is done &while stillin the
p a n , p o u r m o s t o f t h e gl a z e o v e r t h e c a k e , lettingitslowlyabsorbinto it. When cool, invertthecakeonto aservingplate&pour theremainingglazeover it.
Se r v e w ith fr e s hly wh ip p ed cr e a m .