quick sweet ripe mango chutney



  • Ingredients (american measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)
  • 2 ripe alphonso mangoes(diced) / 4 small sweet ripe mangoes
  • 1 cup grated fresh coconut or dessicated coconut
  • 2-3 red kashmiri chillies
  • 2 small flakes garlic
  • 1/2 inch piece tamarind/imli
  • salt to taste
  • a little jaggery to taste/gur


Step 1

grind the coconut, red chilies, garlic, jaggery, salt and tamarind to a fine paste with little water.
remove the chutney in a bowl. taste and adjust the seasoning.
if using alphonso mangoes, then chop the mangoes finely and mix it with the rest of the chutney.
if using the small variety of mangoes, then just peel these mangoes.
with the flesh intact it on it, add with the seeds to the chutney.
mix well and serve the mango chutney with dal rice or idli, dosa or even parathas.
reduce the number of chilies for less spicy chutney

if you don't eat garlic, then skip the garlic in the chutney.

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