Homemade Scratch Caramel Sauce


Made from scratch caramel sauce is one of those items where I can really tell a difference if it is homemade, or comes from a jar. Don’t get me wrong, I like both versions, but I much prefer this one to any other.

Some tips for caramel making.

BE CAREFUL!!! Melted sugar is about the equivalent temperature to molten lava. If it splashes on you, you won’t like it.
Have your ingredients ready, and waiting for you within arm’s reach. Caramel doesn’t wait for you to go hunting for ingredients.
If the sugar smells burnt at all, start over. Burnt caramel cannot be fixed. One cup of sugar is fairly cheap. When you start adding butter and cream into the mix, it gets more expensive to toss. Butter and cream will not fix burnt flavor.
Use softened butter.
After you pour your caramel sauce into a dish to cool, fill your pan with water and put it back on the stove over medium heat for about 5-10 minutes. Makes cleanup much easier!
If this takes a few tries to get right, try not to get too frustrated. Sugar is finicky. You can do it!


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 6 Tbsp butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla


Step 1

Place sugar in heavy bottomed pan over medium to medium-high heat. Watch carefully. When sugar begins to melt, slowly stir to prevent burning.
After sugar is melted fully, reduce heat and add softened butter. Stir well until combined.
Remove from heat and add cream. Stir until combined and add vanilla. Store in the fridge after the caramel has cooled