Dirt Cake


Looks like a graden in the spring.


  • gummy worms
  • 1 pkg oreos crushed
  • 1 pkg (8 oz) cream cheese
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 8 oz cool whip
  • 1 large box choc pudding
  • 1 choc cake box mix (baked and crumbled)


Step 1

Layer 1: (dirt) Spread crushed oreo cookies on bottom of pan

Layer 2: Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, and cool whip. mix and spread over layer 1. "plant" plastic flowers as you add layers.

Layer 3: Mix choc pudding with a little less milk than the package requires so the pudding is thicker. Spread over layer 2.

Layer 4: Crumble the choc cake over layer 3. Add gummy worms.

Top Layer: Spread crushed oreo cookies over layer 4.

Idea: Make layers in little flower pots and serve with a garden trowel for a spoon.