


  • 1 C. Creamy Peanut
  • 1/4 C. Butter
  • 1 Lb. Powdered Sugar
  • 3 C. Rice Krispies
  • 1 (6 oz.) Butterscotch Bits
  • 1 (6 oz.) chocolate chips
  • 1 Square Paraffin


Step 1

Melt together peanut butter and butter. In lg. Bowl, blend Rice Krispies and powdered sugar. Pour melted peanut butter over all.
It will be difficult, cut continue til it tends it stick together, then form into walnut-sized balls.
Melt butterscotch and chocolate bits and paraffin. Roll each ball in chocolate mixture. If chocolate tend to harden, place over hot water as you work.
Place on aluminum foil and into fridge to harden. Store in covered container.