Princess Di's Royal Fudge


She made this for her boys. It is unusual because it does not contain chocolate and is soft.


  • 2 oz. (4 Tbsp.) butter
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk


Step 1

Heavily butter 8-inch square pan.

Place butter, water and sugar in heavy medium pan over low-medium heat. Stir with wooden or plastic spoon until sugar dissolves.
Add condensed milk; turn heat to high and bring mixture to boil. Turn heat to law and simmer mixture 40 minutes or until firmn ball stage is achiefed (244 degrees). At this stage, a small quantity of the syrup dropped into chilled wter will form a ball that holds its shape and may be flattened with the fingers). Stir with wooden or plastic spoon from time to time.

Remove pan from heat. Pour into bowl nested into a larger bowl filled with ice.

With electric mixer, beat 10-12 minutes, until mixture is creamy and holds its shape. Pour into prepared pan. Refrigerate at least three hours before cutting into squares.