Robyn's Green Smoothie



  • Optionally, add:
  • Put 2 cups filtered water in the BlendTec Total Blender.
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp. stevia (herbal sweetener) or
  • 1/3 cup agave syrup (low glycemic index)
  • 1/4 whole lemon, including peel (high in flavanoids)
  • 2-3 Tbsp. fresh, refrigerated flax oil (omega-3 rich oil)
  • Gradually add greens until, briefly pureed, the mixture comes up to the 5-cup line (or less if you are “converting”):
  • lb. raw, washed greens:
  • spinach, chard, kale, collards are your mainstays
  • turnip, mustard, dandelion greens, arugula—use more sparingly, as they are spicy or bitter
  • lettuces and beet greens are also good—use freely
  • try avocado or cabbage or 1-2 stalks celery
  • For the adventurous, use edible weeds in nonsprayed fields: purslane has a mild flavor and vines along the ground everywhere; also use lambsquarter leaves, morning glory, and thistle more sparingly because they have a stronger taste.
  • Puree greens mixture for 90 seconds until very smooth.
  • Gradually add fruit until the container is completely full and blend 90 seconds or until well blended:
  • 1-2 bananas to add a creamy texture and sweetness
  • 1-2 cups frozen mixed berries (tastes wonderful and makes the smoothie purple rather than green)
  • any other fruit to taste: our favorites are pears and peaches, but also use apples, oranges, apricots, cantaloupe (with seeds—very high in antioxidants!), mango, pineapple, anything!


Step 1

Robyn at has provided this recipe to get kale, collards, spinach, and chard into your daily diet--easily and without chewing and loading up on salad dressing. She's a mom of four kids who each drink a pint every day!Makes approx. 8 cups of 100% raw smoothie.

Tips: For beginners and those trying to convert children, consider using LESS greens and MORE fruit (especially berries and bananas) in the beginning, gradually working up to a 50/50 ratio as described here. Use just the mild flavors in this transition phase, like spinach, kale, collards, and chard. Add a bit more water if you feel the smoothie is too thick.