Cream Cheese Flan


Flan is a traditional Puerto Rican dessert

  • 8
  • 10 mins
  • 11 mins


  • 8-10 eggs
  • 1 12-oz can evaporated milk
  • 1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 8-oz package cream cheese, softened


Step 1

Flan is baked in a 'baño de María' or bain-marie. I use a large cookie sheet on the bottom, then set a large roasting pan on the sheet. Then I place the uncooked flan, covered with foil, in the roasting pan. Carefully pour boiling water into the roasting pan, being careful not to get water in the flan mold - about 2 inches deep. The flan mold should be at least 4 inches tall. The cookie sheet makes it easy to carry into the oven and pull out when ready. The flan mold could be ramekins (6-7) or a deep metal or glass bowl. First prepare the baño.

The next step is caramelizing the mold, and that is just as easy. Pour 1 cup sugar in warm pan and heat on medium heat until it browns and becomes golden like caramel. You must keep a close eye on the caramel until it is done - don't let it get too dark. For ramekins quickly pour approximately 2-3 tablespoons of caramel in each ramekin, tilting it to swirl the caramel around the sides. For the mold just pour and swirl to make sure the bottom is completely covered and swirl as high as you can go on the sides.

Now that the baño and mold is ready prepare the flan

Beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer until smooth add eggs and mix. Add the rest of the ingredients. Blend smooth but do not over mix. Pour custard into caramelized mold, cover with foil, and sit in the baño de María. Then pour hot water into the baño and into the oven for 1 to 1½ hours until done and knife comes clean