Frozen Hot Chocolate


Makes 1 Realllly big serving


  • 1 cup milk of choice (at least 1/3 cup as lite or full-fat canned coconut milk if you want a truly-rich treat)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (10 grams)
  • scant 1/16th tsp salt (do not omit this)
  • 1/2 tsp nunaturals stevia or 1 tablespoon agave, maple syrup, or sugar (or more, if you have a sweet tooth)
  • Optional: for an even richer flavor, try adding a little melted chocolate (Serendipity’s recipe calls for this) or chocolate syrup


Step 1

Combine ingredients and whisk together on the stove. Or microwave 30 seconds, stir, then microwave another 30 seconds. Let cool, then pour into an ice-cube tray. If you don’t have one, pour into three or four small containers. (Or pour it all into one container, but be sure to thaw before doing the next step so your blender can handle the one big block of frozen-ness.) Freeze. Once frozen, pop the mixture into a blender and blend! (I used my Vita-Mix.) Do not add ice. I repeat: Do NOT add ice. You will dilute the flavor.