Hokkaido Milk Loaf


  • 2


  • 250 ml milk
  • 190 ml heavy cream
  • 1 lrg egg
  • 4 1/2 cups bread
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 TBS dry milk powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 4 TBS sugar
  • 3 tsp dry yeast


Step 1

1) Grease 2 loaf pans.

2) Place all ingredients in bread machine pan in the order recommended by manufacturer. Set to Dough function. After the dough has finished its kneading cycle, let if proof inside the machine 45 - 50 mins or until it doubles in size.

3) Remove from the pan and divide dough into 4 equal portions and shape into a ball.

4) On a lightly floured surface, flatten the ball and roll out in a rectangle shape. Roll it up again tightly like a swiss roll.

5) Put it in the greased loaf pan. Repeat with the second ball. Put second "swiss roll" in the first loaf pan. Repeat with remaining two balls and second loaf pan.

6) Set aside and let proof for about 1 hr or until it rises and fills up about 3/4 of the loaf pan.

7) Bake at 375 degrees F for about 45 - 55 mins if you cover the loaf pans with foil. If you don't cover them, 35 - 40 mins should be enough time.