Grilled Steaks


  • Steaks of choice


Step 1

Let the steak reach room temperature. Trim the excess fat. Strip of fat should only be ¼ inch thick. Wash in clean water. Season steak on both sides to your liking. Preheat the grill. Gas grill on high or a single layer of white coals for charcoal. Oil the grate. Place steak on grill. The grill should be hot enough for you to hear a sizzle when the steaks touch the grill grate. Close the lid for one minute. Lift lid and turn steak over. Close lid and continue grilling for another minute. Turn again and continue cooking for 3 to 5 minutes per side. To create attractive cross-hatched grill marks, give the steaks a quarter-turn halfway through cooking on each side. For best results, move the steaks to other parts of the grill if flame-ups occur. Check for doneness with a meat thermometer. Let steak rest for 5 minutes before serving. This helps them retain those great juices.