Choke Cherry Jam


  • 7


  • 2 qt's fresh pick chokecherries
  • 2 c water
  • 8 c sugar
  • 1/2 liquid certo


Step 1

Simmer chokecherries aand water till cherries pop and fruit comes off easy.
Strain this through sieve to remove pits and skins. Save juice.
Wash pits and skins to make up to 1 qt juice with strained juice.
Combine juice with sugar till cyrstals are dissolved. Bring to rolling boil stirring constantly.
Add certo and bring to rolling boil stirring constantly for 60 seconds.
Remove from heat.
Skim foam from top as it develops.
Pour into sterlized jam jarsl wipe rims and seal.
Let set and seal.
Will keep for a long time in sealed jars

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