Peanut Clusters


  • peanut 1 (16-ounce) jar dry, roasted lightly salted
  • bark chocolate 1 (12-ounce) package
  • wax paper


Step 1

In a double broiler melt chocolate slowly
Stir with a spatula

Once the bark is melted add 1/3 of the peanuts, stir well to coat
Add another 1/3 peanuts, stir until completely coated
Add remaining peanuts and stir

Using a teaspoon drop the mixture onto wax paper, it will spread out some so don't drop to close together

Wait 15-20 minutes to cool then remove the clusters.

Makes ~ 70
If storing more then one layer in a container, place a layer of wax paper between clusters

(Kroger brand Bark Coating is the best)