Face Moisturizer - Homemade


Use tiny amount of this homemade face moisturizer, if you feel greasy, you used too much. I put some in a small container for daily use, then store the big batch in the refrigerator.

  • 1
  • 20 mins
  • 30 mins


  • 1 cup (16 T) melted Shea Butter (food for your skin and incredible moisturizer)
  • 16 teaspoons rosehip seed oil (this is a dry, fast absorbing oil. Helps diminish scars and dark spots)
  • 8 teaspoons argan oil
  • 8 teaspoons cold pressed aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 15 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops spearmint oil


Step 1

Place all ingredients in a small glass jar and stir well. Loosely cover the jar with a lid (do not close it shut while the oils are still hot) and let it sit for about 2 hours, or until mostly solid. With a fork, start stirring and mixing your lotion until you achieve a soft, creamy butter.

Use twice a day on clean skin, once before bed, once in the morning as your base moisturizer.