Miracle Pie-Amish 365


  • 1 cup Jeremiah 6:20 (sugar)
  • 1 /4 cup Genesis 18:8 (butter)
  • 4 Deuteronomy 22:6 (eggs)
  • 1 /2 cup 2 kings 7:18 (flour)
  • 2 cups Hebrews 5:13 (milk)
  • 1 cup Genesis 13:11 (coconut)
  • 1 /4 teaspoon Matthew 5:13 (salt)
  • 1 /2 teaspoon 2 Kings2315 (baking powder)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


Step 1

Put all ingredients into a blender. Blend thoroughly. Pour into a 9-inch pie plate that has been greased and floured. Bake at 350 for 60 minutes. A crust will form on the bottom, pie filling is the center, and a coconut topping above.