Smoothies Mix & Match


Mix and match ingredients for smoothies, for diet


  • 1 . FRUITS: Banana, Berries, Pear, Apple, Watermelon, Peach, Kiwi, Pineapple, Cherries, Mango, Avocado, Spinach, Kale/Arugula, Beet greens, Dandelion Greens
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  • 2 . BASE: Milk/rice/almond/soy milk, Fruit Juice, Iced Coffee, Iced Green Tea, Coconut water/milk, Water
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  • 3 . THICKEN UP: Nut butter eg. Peanut, Yoghurt/kefir/cottage cheese, Ice cream/frozen yoghurt, Ice cubes, Coconut meat, Chia seeds/psylium husks, Oats/beans.
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  • 4 . FLAVOR IT: Sugar/stevia/xylitol, Honey, Maple Syrup, Figs, Dates, Vanilla/almond extract, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Herbs (eg. Mint/basil).
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  • 5 . POWER BOOST: Protein powder, Fish Oil, Goji berry, Sprouts, Ground flaxseed, Bee pollen, Vitamin powder, Spirulina/wheatgrass/green powder, Maca/acai/cocoa powder, Probiotic.


Step 1

1. Fruits. Add at least 2 types of fruits - fresh or frozen. And for a super healthy smoothie - make it green, adding vegetables such as spinach, kale and arugula.

2. Base. Choose a base. Add 1-2 cos of liquid. The more juice your chosen fruits/vegetables have, the less liquid you need to add.

3. Thicken Up. Thicken your smoothie to get the right consistency/creaminess, whilst making it more nutritious.

4. Flavor it. Boost flavor with sweeteners, spices, fruits and herbs. Spices such as cinnamon add layer of sweetness, without adding extra calories.

5. Power Boost. Take your smoothie to the next level with highly nutritive superfoods.