Coconut Frosting


  • 1 C. Sugar
  • 1/4 C. Water
  • 1/2 C. Light Corn Syrup
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 2 t. Vanilla
  • 1/2 Cup Coconut


Step 1

..................This would be delicious on the Oatmeal Cake.............

1. Mix thoroughly in saucepan....Sugar, Water and Corn Syrup
Boil slowly without stirring until syrup spins a thread 6 to 8 inches or (242) on the candy thermometer. Keep saucepan covered the first 3 minutes to prevent crystals from forming on the sides of the pan.

2. While Syrup is cooking, beat the Egg Whites until stiff enough to hold points or peaks.

3. Pour the hot syrup very slowly, in a thin stream, into stiffly beaten Egg Whites, beating constantly.

4. Add the Vanilla and beat until the frosting holds its shape. Carefully Fold in the Coconut just until mixed. Spread between layers, on top and sides of your cake.

5. If you have extra frosting, get the kids together and have fun. Spread the Frosting on Graham Crackers and decorate with sprinkles, M&M's..... Use your imagination.

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