Reboot - Juice - Morning Glory Green


  • 4 – 5 large kale leaves
  • 1 large handful of spinach
  • 3 romaine leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 lemon, peeled (You can leave the peel on but it will taste very bitter)


Step 1

1.) Wash the ingredients well.
2.) *Push all ingredients through your Juicer and juice on!

TIP: You get more out of your leafy greens when you push them through with celery or cucumber. I add the kale leaves, and push it through with the cucumber. Next, the spinach leaves pushed through with the celery. The romaine goes in next easily on its own. Then the apple, followed by the lemon and voila! You now have your energy for the day.

*TIP: Depending on which greens look best to me at the store, I sometimes switch up the leafy greens and use collard greens and/or Swiss chard.