Chocolate Covered Maple Creams


Good Old Days Sept. 2014 Page 23


  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 2 Tablespoons maple flavoring
  • 1 (16 ounce) bag confectioners' sugar
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons water
  • 1 (12-ounce) package semisweet or milk chocolate chips
  • 1/3 bar paraffin
  • ( I use coating chocolate in place of chips and paraffin)


Step 1

Cream butter, maple flavoring and confectioners' sugar until well blended. Add water by the teaspoon, mixing after each addition, until mixture resembles modeling clay. Roll pieces of maple mixture into 1-inch balls and then flatten and place on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. Refrigerate candies for 30 minutes.
Melt chocolate chips and paraffin in a double boiler and stir until smooth. using a skewer or toothpick, dip maple candies into the chcolate, turning them to coat completely. Replace candies on baking sheet and chill until
chocolate is set. Store in airtight containers
Makes 5 dozen.