

Fantasy Fudge

  • 20 mins
  • 40 mins


  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 3/4 cup of butter
  • 1 5 ounce can of carnation canned milk
  • (Do not use sweetened milk)
  • 3 Packages of 4 ounce sweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1 Jar (7 ounces) of Jet=Puffed marshmallow creme
  • 1 Cuo chopped walnuts
  • 1 tsp vanilla


Step 1

Line 9 inch square pan with foil. Bring milk, butter, and chocolate
in microwave for 5 minutes. Stir well half way through. One 5 minutes are up stir well and microwave another 1 1/2 minutes.

add marshmallow creme and chocolate and stir until well blended and melted.
Add vanilla and stir well.

Pour into pan. Cover with saran wrap and seal well and chill in fridge until hardened. Use foil to lift out of pan. Remove from foil and place on cutting board and cut into 40 squares. seal in air tight container. Dries out real easy.