Muffin Tin Breakfast Bites


Makes about 12 muffins. Can cut in half.


  • Around 60 frozen tater tots
  • 5 eggs
  • Sliced bacon
  • Sliced cheese


Step 1

Fill each muffin tin cup with up to three or four tater tots. If you have hash browns instead, that will do just fine, too!
Press down the tots. You can use the base of a rolling pin, a spoon, fork, or any other utensil that has a flat surface.
Bake at 400°F for 10 minutes. In the meantime, whisk together five eggs.
Pour mixture on top of the tots.
Top with bacon bits and cheese.
Return to oven and bake at 350°F for 20 minutes, or until eggs are cooked.
Feel free to top with any sauce of your choice, and enjoy!