Never Fail Pickles


Easy dill pickles that pickle themselves in your refrigerator while you sleep!

  • 3


  • Cucumbers
  • 4 quarts water
  • 1 pint apple cider vinegar
  • Fresh dill - I use a lot
  • Salt
  • Alum
  • Garlic - I use about a dozen for each jar


Step 1

In bottom of jars put 1 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp alum, lots of garlic

3 quarts water, 2 pint apple cider vinegar
Fill jars with clean cucumbers
Pack comfortably
Pack with plenty of dill

Pour hot brine over and seal.

When your pickles have cooled, put them into the refrigerator. I would suggest waiting at least a week before opening the jar and trying them. If they don't have enought flavor for your taste, put the lid back on and put them back in the refrigerator. Test them again in a week or so. These pickles get better and better as they age! Enjoy!