quickbread - paleo 3 ingredient naan-indian-bread


  • 1/2 cup Almond Flour
  • 1/2 cup Tapioca Flour
  • 1 cup Organic Coconut Milk, canned and full fat
  • optional
  • salt
  • Grassfed Organic Ghee (slather that bread!)


Step 1

Mix all the ingredients together.
Heat a 9.5 inch Nonstick Pan over medium heat and pour batter to desired thickness (see notes below).
Once the batter fluffs up and looks firm/mostly cooked, flip it over to cook the other side (be patient, this takes a little time!).
Enjoy this and make it often.
Options for Size:
- You can pour half the batter onto a 9.5 inch pan and cook - then repeat for a total of 2 large naans.
- You can pour ¼ cup of the batter onto your pan to make 6 small naans. These will cook faster than the large naans.
- If you want to make a dessert crepe, pour the batter and spread it out as thin as you can.

- If you are not using a non-stick pan, you will need to use some sort of oil/ghee/fat to keep the batter from sticking.

- If the cream has solidified in your canned coconut milk, then mix well before using.