Real Chocolate Milk


How to make Guess what? Chocolate milk does NOT require all these chemicals. Making your own is inexpensive, simple, and far healthier! “We don’t need no stinkin’ Nestle!”…or Hershey…or any of those other companies making a bundle selling us fake food.

To make a glass of delicious chocolate milk, you only need 3 ingredients. Seriously.


  • 1 tbsp of sugar (we use an organic muscovado sugar for a deep rich flavor)
  • 1 tsp of *organic baker’s cocoa powder
  • Milk
  • Hot water


Step 1

1.Pour about 1/2 inch of hot water into the bottom of a glass. This doesn’t have to be boiling hot. If your tap water is safe to drink, this is sufficiently hot for your purpose. We have a water dispenser with hot and cold buttons, and we use a little bit of the hot water from that.
2.Spoon in the cocoa and sugar and stir thoroughly with a fork until the dry ingredients are well dissolved.
3.Top your homemade puddle of syrup with cold milk.
4.Stir until it’s mixed.

Optionally, you can mix your syrup puddle in the bottom of a Mason jar, top it with milk, leaving at least a couple of inches at the top, put the lid on and hand it to your child to shake enthusiastically.

If you and your family have any special dietary needs, this recipe can be adapted pretty easily to fit most plans. You can use non-dairy milk, like almond or rice, and you can choose a different sweetener than sugar – honey, coconut sugar, agave, or stevia would work.

I’m not even kidding. That’s it. So simple you can teach your 5-year-old to do it. It is literally just as easy as using the syrup from the store, and maybe one teeny step more difficult than buying the pre-mixed stuff at the store.

There you go – you just single-handedly stopped contributing to Big Food’s takeover of the world of chocolate milk.