Chocolate nut butter fat bombs


small servings ... quick treat, but in moderation.


  • 2 TBS coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 TBS almond butter, cashew or p-nut butter
  • 1 TBS coconut flour
  • Stevia glycerite (optional to taste…I didn’t use any)


Step 1

Mix cocoa into the coconut oil. Then add in the nut butter, mix until smooth. Then add the coconut flour (and sweetener if desired). Pour into mini ice cube trays. Freeze for at least 5-6 minutes and either store in the fridge or freezer. Makes 4 servings.

Traditional Fat Bombs using honey = 235 calories, 29.2 carbs, 2.5g fiber
“Healthified” Fat Bombs = 100 calories, 9.7g fat, 1.8g protein, 3.2g carbs, 1.7 fiber (85% fat, 7% protein, 12% carbs)