Fondue Savoyarde

  • 6


  • 3/4 pound Gruyère de Beaufort
  • 3/4 pound Gruyère de Comté
  • 3/4 pound Appenzeller
  • 3/4 pound Morbier
  • 1/4 pound Roquefort or a little more to
  • taste
  • 1 garlic clove peeled
  • 1 1/2 cups Apremont or Chardonnay
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly-ground black pepper to taste
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup kirsch
  • 3 baguettes cut bite size pieces
  • 1 egg


Step 1

Grate or dice the Gruyère de Beaufort, Gruyère de Comté, Appenzeller, Morbier and Roquefort cheeses and mix them in a bowl.

Rub the inside of a fondue pot or heavy pot with the garlic clove. Pour in the wine and bring it to boil over medium heat. Gradually incorporate the cheese mixture, stirring constantly in a figure-eight pattern with a wooden spoon.

When the cheese is entirely melted, about 20 to 25 minutes, add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Stir in the mustard and kirsch.

To serve, set the fondue pot on the table over a fondue burner and let diners spear pieces of bread with fondue forks and plunge them into the fondue. Stir the fondue frequently (always in a figure-eight pattern) to keep it from separating or sticking to the bottom.

When the fondue is nearly finished, clean up the pot by putting in some pieces of bread, adding the egg and stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens. Let diners pick out the pieces of bread with their fondue forks.

This recipe yields 6 to 8 servings.

Each of 8 servings: 958 calories; 57 grams protein; 42 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams fiber; 58 grams fat; 34 grams saturated fat; 212 mg. cholesterol; 1351 mg. sodium.

Variations: Add ham, prosciutto or dried mushrooms, such as porcini or morels, along with the wine.