
  • 1 lb. lean ground beef
  • 1/4 ;b. pork sausage
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 egg beaten
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1/4 c milk
  • 1/4 c fresh basil
  • 1/2 c cornmeal
  • 3 qts. beef broth
  • 1/2 c salsa
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 2 cans of diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp. dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 1/2 c rice


Step 1

. Mix together beef broth, salsa, onion, tomatoes, dried basil, dried oregano, black pepper, and water a/n

.Combine ground beef, sausage, 1onion, egg, salt and pepper, garlic powder, milk, fresh basil, cornmeal, and mix well. Make small spoon size meatballs

. Add meatballs to broth and simmer, heck meatballs for doneness and broth for seasoning and adjust.