Hot Buttered Rum


Dating back to colonial times, the Hot Buttered Rum had a spectacular run in this country until tavern-goers and barflies across the nation decided that butter and alcohol just don't mix. Much like bacon, however, butter makes everything better - including rum. Traditionally, the drink would be made with butter, brown sugar, rum, spices and hot water. The Heathman Hotel in Portland is credited with a more modern, and excessive, take on the drink. And since quilted jackets are an effective way to disguise a few extra pounds, the recipe is a perfect way to restore circulation after marathon snow shoveling sessions.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter
  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream (Ben & Jerry's works perfectly)
  • 1 oz. rum/serving (a dark rum like Pyrat is a great counterpoint to rest of the ingredients)
  • ¾ cup hot water/serving
  • Grated nutmeg


Step 1

Heat the sugar, brown sugar and butter in a saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously until butter is melted. Combine with the ice cream in a mixing bowl (an electric mixer makes this much easier) and resist the temptation to drink directly from the bowl. Instead, fill mugs ¼ full with the mixture, add one ounce of rum and ¾ cup water heated nearly to boiling. Stir gently to combine all the ingredients and sprinkle nutmeg on top. This is a huge crowd-pleaser, making everyone, from in-laws to significant others to significant first dates, happy. Unless they're stuck watching the biathlon. There's just no way to salvage a party at that point.