Candy Cane Kisses


  • 115 square pretzels
  • 1/2 about 1/2 cup holiday plain M&Ms
  • 2 bags Candy Cane Hershey Kisses
  • wax paper
  • cookie sheet


Step 1

1) Preheat your oven to 175 degrees.

2) Prep work: Gather everything, unwrap all the Kisses, and sort your M&Ms (if desired - I wanted red only).

3) Cover your cookie sheet in wax paper. Please don't skip this step.

4) Line up your pretzel squares on the wax paper then top each one with a Kiss.

Note the dull, flat look of these Kisses.

5) Carefully transfer the cookie sheet to the oven. Set your oven timer for 5 minutes and do not walk away. Watched Kisses do melt soften, I promise. After 4-6 minutes, they'll be ready to remove from the oven. I repeat do not walk away. Take them out of the oven when the surface of the Kisses looks glossy, their Kiss shape is still sort of be intact, and they're softened (not melted).

6) Right after removing the cookie sheet from the oven, carefully plop one M&M onto each Kiss. They'll get the smooshed look instantly.

7) Chill them in the fridge for a few minutes or just let them sit on the counter for a while until they set. Then, package them up in cello bags or toss them onto a platter. You're done!

You could also try making these with other combinations of Kisses flavors and candy toppers. I think milk chocolate Kisses topped with Reese's Pieces would be excellent.