Vinegar and Salty Chips


From Alissa Cohen's Living On Live Foods. Satisfies a craving for potato chips!


  • 3-4 regular potatoes
  • Raw apple cider vinegar, e.g. Bragg
  • Himalayan crystal salt


Step 1

Place potatoes (peeled + sliced) in a large bowl with enough apple cider vinegar to cover them, soak for 10-15 minutes. Drain chips and lay flat on mesh screen, sprinkle with salt. Dehydrate at 105°F for 5-10 hours or until crispy.

You know, a quick way to eat potatoes if you're transitioning to raw, is to slice into thin slices, steam for 2-3 minutes and sprinkle with natural salt. You want to cook as low, slow and quickly as possible, to retain the most nutrients, e.g. it's best to sprout chickpeas or soya beans and steam them for 5 minutes, rather than cook them for hours. Steamed chickpeas (garbanzo) are deliciously sweet