Harvey Wallbanger


Harvey Wallbanger? It sounds like some sort of slacker dude. In fact, my research into this cocktail tells me that in a way maybe it is, or was. But for our purposes here I’ll define it is an alcoholic drink made with vodka, Galliano and orange juice. It has a murky pedigree, as do so many classic libations.

  • 1 mins
  • 1 mins


  • 1 jigger vodka
  • 3 jiggers orange juice
  • 1/2 jigger Galliano liqueur
  • orange slice (as garnish)
  • Maraschino cherry (as garnish)


Step 1

Pour orange juice and vodka into a Collins glass; add to fill and stir well. Float Galliano on top by drizzling it slowly over the back of the stirring spoon. Garnish with an orange slice and a Maraschino cherry.