

  • 11 lemons.
  • 1000 ml/ 4,2 cups 95% alcohol, I have been trying to find out how much that is in proof but all I can say is that 100% alcohol is 200 proof.
  • 1000 ml/4,2 cups water
  • 700 g/24,7 oz sugar


Step 1

Wash the lemons carefully before you peel them with a potato peeler, avoid the white part as it has a bitter taste. Put the peels in a glass bowl and pour the alcohol over it. Stir and leave it to rest with the top of the bowl covered with a plate or something similar. Let it rest for 5-6 days. Remember to shake the bowl or stir sometimes. Now it’s time to throw away the lemon peel. Boil water and sugar for 10 minutes. Let it cool. Mix the alcohol and the sugar water and filter it through a paper filter like those you use for making coffee or something like that. Anything that filters is ok actually. Pour it into clean, dry bottles and let them rest for a month before you drink it really chilled.