Chocolate Cheese Fudge


Who would have guessed?


  • 1/2 lb. Velveeta cheese, sliced
  • 1 c. butter
  • 1 t. vanilla extract
  • 1 c. chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)
  • 1 (16 oz.) box confectioner's sugar
  • 1/2 c. cocoa powder


Step 1

Lightly spray bottom of a 9x2" square pan with cooking spray. On medium heat, melt cheese and sugar together stirring constantly until smooth. Remove from heat, add vanilla and nuts. In a large bowl, sift sugar and cocoa together. pour cheese mixture into sugar and cocoa mixture and stir until completely mixed. The candy will be very stiff. Using your hands, remove candy from bowl, press firmly and evenly into pan. Pat candy with paper towel to remove butter. Place in fridge until firm, cut into squares and serve.